Parking in pavers


STEP 1 :
Mark the area to be redeveloped with an aerosol paint. Please allow 6" more on each side for better accessibility and space for curbs.

STEP 2 :
Excite 18" deep in sandy soil, and 24" in clay soil. Plan a slope of 2% to circulate the surface water.

STEP 3 :
Install the geotextile membrane.

STEP 4 :
Place the wooden stakes inside the surface every 10 feet. Tie a rope to the same level where the pavers will be laid.

STEP 5 :
Fill with 3" of 0-3/4" stone, water lightly and compact with the vibrating plate in one direction then the other Repeat this process until you have obtained a foundation of 15" deep in sandy soil and 21" in clay soil (depth of foundation may differ depending on model of paving stone chosen)

STEP 6 :
Install the two metal pipes at a distance of 6" at the same level as the dust bed. Spread 1" of dust. Slide the wooden board over the metal pipes and move the pipes as you go. Remove excess dust.

STEP 7 :
Lay the first pavers in a 90 degree corner according to the chosen pattern. If necessary, cut the pavers with a concrete saw. Stay away from the area as the resulting dust will irrevocably stain the installed pavers. Remember to wear safety glasses and hearing shells when cutting. Check the alignment of the pavers every 5 rows and correct if necessary with a screwdriver.

STEP 8 :
Install the concrete curbs from the property to the street. Make sure the edges are stable and level, add dust. If necessary, cut the edges with the concrete saw and dig a little deeper into the stone foundation 0-3/4" for the desired height.

STEP 9 :
For the installation of polymer sand, refer to the technical guide.